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Love Your Body Change Your World Trainings A Success!

Gfc-Oct_23_10_08 Girls For A Change trained over 800 girls across the US to create change in their communities around women’s health. These Love Your Body, Change Your World trainings focused on breaking down myths and stereotypes about women’s health and have given girls the skills and tools they need to enact change. Trainings were held in Phoenix, Las Vegas, Milwaukee, the SF Bay Area, Dallas, and Baltimore. Thanks to all of our trainers, partners, participants, staff, and donors for making this movement possible!

See the video from the training in Milwaukee:


Calumet_bl_2c copy Thanks to Calumet Photographic  in San Francisco for donating photography equipment for our final training on October 23rd! Stay tuned for the amazing shots volunteer Caroline Schiff captured of the girls in ACTION!


To learn more about the campaign and GFC's partnership with U by Kotex, click here.

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