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GFC Giving Program


Girls with Teddy Bear

At GFC, we’re committed to saving costs and saving trees – to that end, our annual giving program is green – using email as the primary means to stay in touch with our donors.  But we need your help. By responding to our annual appeal with a gift, you make possible the programs that serve over 1,600 girls annually.

Really want to make a difference? Make your recurring gift today and spread the news, widen the circle of support for Girls For A Change, by posting this on your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or other social media; email your friends and colleagues and encourage them to be the change!

Help us reach 500 donors… sign up to be a part of Girls For A Change today! Click here to make your secure donation and join us!

 Inspiring Partner $10,000 and above provides GFC programming to two or more teams per year.  
-Includes benefits below, plus two tickets to our signature event in California.
-Includes invitation to all three events in our annual Powerful Change Series in the Bay Area.

Empowering Partner $5,000 to $9,999 provides GFC programming to an entire team of girls per year.  
- Includes benefits below, plus invitation to two events in our new Powerful Change Series in the Bay Area.

Circle of Change $1,000 to $4,999 provides GFC programming to one girl or more over an entire year.
- Includes benefits below, plus invitation to one event in our new Powerful Change Series in the Bay Area.

Friends For A Change $1 to $999 provides support to train volunteers, provides grants to Girl Action Teams and materials to make GFC programming possible.
- Quarterly newsletter
 - Invitation to join the Girl Action Network, a resource of girls and women involved in Social Change around the world.

Corporate sponsorship packages are available, contact our Development Team for more information.

Keep Girls For A Change programming alive and well. Join our campaign today by clicking here.


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