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TOL Girl Action Teams

Toledo Girl Action Team Projects (2009-2010)

Two teachers at Southview High School started the first team in the area. They completed their first project in May 2009. They are currently working on a new project in the 2009-2010 school year. Check out the latest here:

Spring 2009 Project - Toledo #1, Southview High School - Stopping Dating Violence
The girls decided to tackle the idea of dating violence in their community. They identified lack of education as a root cause and wanted to teach their peers more about the topic, including how to find resources for help. During lunch in the cafeteria, the school had a health fair. The GFC team created a slide show, posters for the school and an interactive information booth. The booth included a trivia game and resources from local organizations that teens can contact to get help or learn more about the topic.

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