Books that Changed Our World!
- RESPECT: A Girl's Guide to Getting Respect & Dealing When Your Line Is Crossed by GFC's own Courtney Macavinta and Andrea Vander Pluym. This smart, savvy book helps teen girls get respect and hold on to it no matter what. It covers topics they deal with daily, like body image, family, friends, the media, school, relationships, and rumors. Girls learn that respect is connected to everything, that every girl deserves respect, and that respect is always within reach because it starts on the inside.
- All Made Up: A Girl's Guide to Seeing Through Celebrity Hype and Celebrating Real Beauty by Audrey D. Brashich. A former teen model and magazine writer blows the lid of all that smoke that's been blown up our you-know-whats about what is "beautiful" (and what isn't). She talks about what she's learned about real beauty, how to take back the media, and so-called It Girls (Can you say: Paris Hilton or Linsday Lohan?).
- Do I Look Fat In This: Life Doesn't Begin Five Pounds from Now by Jessica Weiner. Find out what it really means when we say "I feel fat!" This is a practical (and fun to read) guide that will help you learn to love the skin you're in!
- The Body Project by Joan Jacobs Brumberg. Starting with a statistic that 53 percent of girls are dissatisfied with their bodies, this book looks at the "why?" Brumberg combs through girls' diaries dating from 1830 to the present day and explains why now more than ever girls' main projects are their bodies.
- 101 Ways to Help Your Daughter Love Her Body by Brenda Lane Richardson and Elane Rehr. Solid advice for parents to help girls build body respect.
- Dads and Daughters by Joe Kelly. If your dad isn't spending enough time with you or you just aren't relating, or if you're a dad who wants to help your daughter become strong and confidant, you'll both appreciate this book.
- Branded: The Buying and Selling of Teenagers by Alissa Quart. How companies bombard teens with marketing that "saps them of individuality and imagination" to get them to not only buy products, but be products.
- GLBTQ: The Survival Guide for Queer and Questioning Teens by Kelly Huegel. Advice, true stories and resources for exploring gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender relationships, dating, and more.
- Deal With It! A Whole New Approach to Body, Brain, and Life as a Gurl by Esther Drill, et al. The ultimate guide for all things girls have to deal with, from understanding feelings to sex and how your body is changing. It'll suck you in because it's so cool, straightforward and real. And because it has tons of resource listings and illustrations.
- The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. Journalist Naomi Wolf argues that women's insecurities are made worse and then exploited by the cosmetic, diet and plastic surgery industries. And then girls spend all their time obsessing over their looks instead of other important issues, like self-respect.
- Don't Give It Away! by Iyanla Vanzant. Ms. Iyanla (a life coach on TV's Starting Over) was a teen mom and high school dropout, and she went through a lot of family traumas and abuse as a child. But today she's helping young women find and keep their power. Girls, learn how to express your thoughts and feelings about what matters to you, and the secrets to loving your oh-so-lovable self from one of the greatest respect role models ever!
- 33 Things Every Girl Should Know About Women's History edited by Tonya Bolden. Find out how revolutionary women fought for equal rights so you can, too.
- Phenomenal Woman by Maya Angelou. Four inspirational and empowering poems about loving the female form.
- Perfectionism: What's Bad About Being Too Good? by Miriam Adderholdt & Jan Goldberg. How to figure out if you're a perfectionist, find a better balance so you can accept yourself (and body), and deal with your parents if they are pushing you to be perfect.
- Reviving Ophelia by Mary Pipher. Published in 1994, this book is still relevant for its truthful look at the "girl-poisoning" culture that can turn independent-spirited young girls into struggling teens who have low self-worth.
- Revolution from Within by Gloria Steinem. Feminist icon Steinem writes about self-worth, the importance of unlearning unhealthy beliefs, knowing the difference between romance and love, and so much more. It's written for women, but girls can handle her straightforward, mature tone--no problem.
- Schoolgirls by Peggy Orenstein. Inspired by a national study that shows girls' self-esteem plummeting as they reach adolescence, this book goes inside two different schools in northern California where girls struggle for equal educations, assertiveness and confidence.
- Odd Girl Speaks Out by Rachel Simmons. Poems, songs, confessions and essays from girls about in-fighting among girls and how to stop it.
- Grassroots: A Field Guide for Feminist Activism by Jennifer Baumgardner & Amy Richards. Learn how to move beyond activism, like donating money and writing to politicians, and how to make a far-reaching impact by organizing your friends, your community and yourself!
- To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism edited by Rebecca Walker. With essays by men and women, this is an exploration of modern-day feminism and its impact on everyday life and the future.
- What Are My Rights? by Thomas A. Jacobs. Helps teens answer 95 legal questions about laws related to family, school, workplace, growing up and more.
- When Nothing Matters Anymore: A Survival Guide for Depressed Teens by Bev Cobain. A book for teens on how to recognize depression, get help and stay well.